
Project of Nanchang Bridge Lighting

This project of outdoor led lighting and upgrading is located between Nanchang Bridge and Bayi Bridge, covering all revetments and riverside buildings at the east and west banks of Ganjiang River. At the west bank, the project stretches north-south along the riverside zone of Honggutan New District, starting from the ferris wheel in the south to China Aviation International Plaza north of Bayi Bridge. The installation sites mainly include the revetments, Century Square, Ferris Wheel and buildings that can be seen from varied viewpoints along the river. Among them, buildings with a height of more than 200 m include Xindi Center, International Financial Center, Lianfa Square, Wall Street Sheraton Hotel, China Aviation International Plaza, etc.

The 8-km lighting at the two banks from Nanchang Bridge and Bayi Bridge is designed under the leadership of the famous French designer Louis Claire who was specially invited by the Owner. The overall lighting effect has been planned with the coordination of THDLI Inc. The lighting at the west bank, themed "Picture Scroll of Lights", provides an overall dynamic picture scroll, the first in China.
For the new district, special scenarios such as "Green West Mountain" and "Sunset & Lonely Duck" as well as the vivid "High Mountains and Flowing Water" have been designed. For the old city on the east bank, the lighting has featured Tengwang Pavilion, one of the symbols indicating Nanchang as a famous historical and cultural city.


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